
Toso is how a monster from the dear baby develop it?

Toso is how a monster from the dear baby develop it? herve leger bandage dress open two days a child can Toso in his arms, then , herve leger dress second son of three or four times, efforts have not known for, Tu-Soviet effort was great to be able to drag two sons ran the second sub-four-five years old, tall and not overstating it, Tu Su has been high to the second son of the head, but two sons 8 years old, then finally head taller than the Su-Tu, the herve leger leaves that they match the length of the brothers, but the Su Tu is loyal to the two sub-brainer, this loyalty, and two children's height has nothing to do, and even two sons of its good and bad nothing to do with the Soviet Union for the slaughter, the second son is the owner, as long as its owner, the birthright sufficient loyalty in the end it was, Tu re-master and servant is the birthright of the Soviet Union.
two sons, of course it is good, no matter where are all With it, protect the carcass of his former Soviet Union, to prevent other children touch it, tease it, when the Su Tu silly and make people stay, and later Su-Tu protection of two sons, along with two sons as long as the Tu Su, other kids would make the 2 sub-fraction.

